Thursday, July 31, 2008

Objectives for Week 4

Objectives are beginning to get complicated with the range of students we now- those who have just joined, those who joined us last week and those who have been here for the entirety!

So newcomers your objective for this week is to finish the Blog Requirements (things that you must have on your blog page)

People who joined us last week you must also make sure you finish the Blog Requirements and start on a project (those who work hard will be able to finish a project by the end of the week!)

Those who have been here for 4 weeks now, you should know the score. You need to finish at least one project by the end of this week.

Any questions on any of this just come and find me!!



Hey guys,

Hope you all enjoyed the excursion was my first one and I have to say that the British Museum was impressive!!

Anyway, if any of you have any photos from the excursion or any photos from the weekend I would be very grateful if you could save them under the linesstudents(p:) drive and in the folder called photos so far! (if you don't know where to save them just ask me)

Then I can use them for tomorrow's assembly.

Hope you all have a good day today and remember- SPEAK ENGLISH!!!!!


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Objectives for Week 3

I understand most people are leaving at the end of this week...sniff :( so I think a good objective should be that everyone must finish at least one project by the end of the week.

I'll tell you this in your lessons as well........................

And I also need new photos for the photoshow Friday night. Please upload them to the Photos So Far folder in the student drive (P:)

Ervin's Cracker Triumph!!!!

Here is the King of Crackers- Ervin!!! He smashed everyone's attempts in the cracker eating contest at Sports Day on Sunday because he is the best! Have a look...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Hey guys, or should I say 'Yo Ho Ho Me Hearties!'

Just a quick note to say Please Please Please save any photos in the folder photos so far in the P drive, so I can use them for Friday's Assembly



Yo ho ho me hearties... Hope you've got your sea legs on, for this week the theme is Pirates!!!
If you want to know what some of these phrases mean (the words in bold) you can hornswaggle by visiting: Arrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Make sure you don't take a caulk during the excursion because I want to read all about it when you return- Queeenswood Ho! I hope none of you were forced to Walk the Plank from the HMS Belfast, Arr.

You can also visit for more information about Pirates and find out your PIRATE NAME by going to
My pirate name is "Bloody Anne Bonney" Arrrrrrrrrrrr

Shiver Me Timbers...........

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Create your own hero and hero blog!

Go to

Click on Hero machine, version 2.5

Choose a pose for your hero to start with. After choosing a pose click on the drop down box that says pose and another box will appear that says pose loading options. Click on complete.

Then choose the features and accessories for your hero, e.g. hair, mask, cloak etc. You can be as creative as you like with styles and colours.

Type in the box that says character name, underneath the picture of your character and give them a name.

To save your character if you haven't finished, click on the tab that says save. Copy the text that appears in the box and save it in a Microsoft Word document. Then next time you log in, go to the hero website and click on the tab that says load (next to the save tab) and copy the text from the Word document into the box.

To save your character once you have finished- Press print screen (its the button on your keyboard- top right), then go into Microsoft Office Word/Picture Manager and click on paste.

Crop the picture by clicking edit picture (top of page) and then click on crop (right of page). Adjust the image to the desired size and when you are happy click file, then save as and save it on the P drive in your class folder.

Upload it just as you would a photo (If using Picture manager, look under how to... if you don't know how to do this). If saving in Word just write the blog underneath and then you can transfer to picture manager later!

Don't forget to make your blog exciting!!!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Who wants to be a Millionaire?

First you need to access the file saved in the P drive. So press the Start button (left hand corner) go to 'My Computer', double click on the drive linesstudents on 'qwoodgc2' (P:) and open the file that says Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.

Once this is open you need to go to file and save as. You should then select the P drive and save to your class folder. Change the name of the file to millionaire+your name and change the dialogue box underneath the file name to save as a macro enabled document .

The slide numbers can be found on the left hand side of the screen. What you need to do is edit slide numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 20, 22, 25, 27, 29, 31 and 33.

The example questions are based on the skeleton... I would like you to base your questions on computer terms that we brainstormed at the beginning of the lesson OR questions relating to this week's excursion- Sinister London.

Computer Access

Hey Everyone!!!

Hope you are enjoying lines so far- I know that a lot of you desperately want time on the computer to check your emails and surf the net in general......

So, I've decided out of the kindness of my heart to let you use the computers during lunch and free time before dinner. I'm going to give up my breaks so you can use the computer rooms so appreciate!!

The computer room will be available whenever I return from lunch (the second half of the lunch period) and also after your last lesson of the day before dinner and I'm afraid its first come first served.

Andrea :)

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Hi Guys!! Not much to say on the first day except to welcome you to Lines and more importantly, E-Comm lessons! This is the place where you will log into every lesson to help you write your blog, find out your tasks for the lesson and any other essential information.

Now you may ask yourself- What is a Blog and why do we need to write one? This is what we will determine over the course of this lesson......Enjoy!

How to write a blogpost

Look at the top of this page for the orange square with a 'B' in it, and click on it. This is a link to the Blogger homepage.
You need to sign in. Use your username (your email address) and your blogger password.
When you sign in, you'll see the Dashboard. Click on the green cross that says "New Post"
Write the name of your post in the box next to "Title", and then write what you want in the big box underneath.
When you have finished, click "Publish Post" so that everyone can see what you have written!
After you have published, it should say "Blog Post Published Successfully!". You can click on "View Blog" at the top of the page to see it!